sound board? are possible?, multi way signal (ad, da)

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

sound board? are possible?, multi way signal (ad, da)

Postby nosferatuspacho » Wed Oct 24, 2007 8:21 am

sorry, i am from bogota, and no know much english, but, my question is if is possible take an signal of audio from the megadrum(like a patches), and more difficult, but more interestig, if an signal from an guitar can be encode to midi, like others "simamp", o to digital audio (or to ird, or to optical standard,etc) Anyway its some cool, and an great aport to the of the master`s world on line :o :o :o :o
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Re: sound board? are possible?, multi way signal (ad, da)

Postby dmitri » Wed Oct 24, 2007 10:21 am

nosferatuspacho wrote:sorry, i am from bogota, and no know much english, but, my question is if is possible take an signal of audio from the megadrum(like a patches), and more difficult, but more interestig, if an signal from an guitar can be encode to midi, like others "simamp", o to digital audio (or to ird, or to optical standard,etc) Anyway its some cool, and an great aport to the of the master`s world on line :o :o :o :o

MegaDrum is a drum trigger to midi converter. As such it doesn't produce any sound of it's own. To get sound from MegaDrum you must connect it to either a midi sampler, e.g. drum machine, or to a computer running sampling software.
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qu: sound board? are possible?, multi way signal (ad, da)

Postby nosferatuspacho » Fri Oct 26, 2007 5:47 pm

tanks for response, now i have a idea for the way to connect all aparatus, but i like to create all hardware, and now my question is: were i can found a drum machine midi sampler for build?
my inspiration is an artist called akira jimbo, he have an yamaha drums, and add an yamaha triger pars system, and he soun to great, i like to build an similar hardware.
Of any form i tanks for your cooperation.
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Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2007 6:58 am

Re: sound board? are possible?, multi way signal (ad, da)

Postby aquawicket » Fri Oct 26, 2007 7:37 pm

One great option is to buy a midi input device for you computer and use drum sample software.
check out BFD from expansion. :D
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