I try within an USB hub, it don't work.
I try to put voltage drop diodes, it don't work.
Thank you for your patience, but I do not really know what else to do ...
Synthex wrote:Ok, i change the Atmega8 for a PIC 18F2550 with my own CDC firmware.
And it works so good !
I think the 18F2550 is more robust and better meets USB specifications.
And better, it's USB2
dmitri wrote:Oh, great! Technically it is a better USB solution. The only obstacle I see with PIC18F2550 is that it requires to build a programmer. Would you be willing to share it's schematics and firmware so that I could publish them on the MegaDrum website as USB Board option?
slayer666 wrote:A question regarding the driver:
Is the serial-midi driver still nesseary if you use the pic usb solution?
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